New Blog!


“I can still bring into my body the joy I felt at seeing the first trillium of spring, which seemed to be telling me, “Never give up hope, spring will come.”~ Jessica Stern

A season of hope rises upon us. Winter loomed for months and now we are seeing signs of spring. More hours of daylight. Warmer temperatures. There’s  a new energy in our school. One reason God created seasons is to remind us of the metaphorical seasons we experience in life. May this spring bring much hope and peace into your hearts and minds.

As we enter this new season, Willowdale Christian School is making some exciting changes in our communications department. Welcome to our school blog.

Our Willowdale Christian School blog will be a place where we keep you up-to-date about the exciting happenings around our school. What our students are learning. What our teachers are teaching. We’ll keep you updated on new curriculum advances and programs. We’ll present parenting ideas and book recommendations.

Most of all, this will be a place where we spread the joyful news of God’s work at Willowdale Christian School. It’s a gift to work with each student and their parents. We’re excited to share our experiences with you.