Student Support Services

Special-EducationStudents who have special needs are provided for by Student Support Services.

We believe all children – the neurotypical child, the child with a learning disorder, or the child who is gifted – are unique gifts of God, deserving the best possible opportunity for learning. Our Resource Program attempts to meet the needs of students beyond the scope of the regular classroom.

Referrals are made by classroom teachers and approved by the Principal. Educational assessments are made by the Student Support teacher. If deemed necessary, further diagnostic work is completed through other professional agencies. Using the results of the assessment, the Student Support teacher will plan an individualized program in cooperation with the classroom teacher and the student’s parents. The program could consist of daily assistance by the Student Support teacher and/or modified programming in the regular class.

Student progress and program evaluation take place at regular intervals. If warranted due to sufficient progress a student’s participation will be terminated in consultation with teachers and the Principal. Consultation with teachers takes place on a frequent basis. Regular conferences with parents are scheduled and parents are invited to request conferences whenever necessary. No concern is too small.

Enrichment is considered an important part of all programming. A school-wide program offers a level of enrichment to all students. Academic enrichment is incorporated into the regular classroom program.